Enjoy the sun but be aware of the melanoma risks

Enjoy the sun but be aware of the melanoma risks


St. Luke’s Men’s Health Offers Helpful Tips on Preventing Melanoma 7-02-2015-enjoy-the-sun-but-be-aware-of-the-melanoma-risks

Did you know that Idaho consistently ranks among the highest states for melanoma incidence and death rates? Whether you are playing in the tournament, on the lake or enjoying a back yard BBQ, the sun is always a factor. Melanoma incidence has more than tripled over the last 30 years. Melanoma is much more common among non-Hispanic whites than people of other races and ethnicities. Here are a few helpful tips to consider: 

  • Use broad spectrum sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30.
  • Use about one ounce of sunscreen (a shotglass full) and apply 15 minutes before sun exposure. Reapply every 2 hrs.
  • Wear protective clothing
  • Seek shade
  • Do not burn, especially during childhood
  • Avoid tanning
  • Replace vitamin D safely through healthy diet and vitamin supplements
  • Be aware of medications that you are taking as some medications can increase skin’s sensitivity

Here are some additional resources: www.cdc.gov/cancer/skin/statistics/state.htm (a map of the United States broken in to the incident rates and death rates by state) www2.epa.gov/sites/production/files/documents/id_facts_web.pdf (Skin Cancel fact sheet specifically for Idaho) www.ccaidaho.org/docs/Melanoma%20in%20Idaho%209-2014.pdf (more facts about melanoma in Idaho)